Peanut looks back on 2012 |
No two ways about it: 2012 was a rough year for everyone. At least, that's what a gardener would tell you every time. The sun was too hot, the rain was too much or too little, the transplant didn't take or took too well, the renters made too many changes... Victims abound! There must be a generic form available somewhere that an attorney has prepared for any number of damages done during 2012 or even a couple of years earlier. All you need to do is fill in the complaints, sign on the dotted line, and collect your reward. Alas! It's true!
I couldn't believe my ears and eyes when I recently heard and saw
an ad on TV by a group of lawyers in Alabama. BP money is flowing into the area like milk and honey. The Gulf Coast has never had it so good. The long-suffering servant Joseph in
Wuthering Heights would certainly have had a case for a lawsuit, if only he'd been around to plead it in 2012:
"Aw mun hev my wage, and Aw mun goa! Aw hed aimed tuh dee, wheare Aw'd sarved fur sixty year; un' Aw thowt Aw'd lug my books up intuh t' garret, un' all my bits uh stuff, un' they sud hev t' kitchen tuh theirseln; fur t' sake uh quietness. It wur hard tuh gie up my awn hearthstun, bud Aw thowt Aw could do that! Bud nah, SHOO'S TAAN MY GARDEN FROUGH ME, un' by th' heart, Maister, Aw cannot stand it! Yah muh bend tuh th' yoak, an ye will--Aw' noan used to't and an ow'd man doesn't sooin get used tuh new barthens. Aw'd rayther arn my bite an' my sup, wi' a hammer in th' road!"